n i g h t m a r e
G r o u n d s
F O R T C O B B, O K L A H O M A
ticket PRICE
g e n e r a l. a d m i s s i o n - $ 1 0 / o n e t i m e e n t r y t o h a n t e d h o u s e
V i p / f a s t p a s s - $ 2 5 / U n l i m i t e d e n t r y t o h a u n t e d h o u s e f o r e n t i r e 2 0 2 2 s e a s o n a s l o n g a s w r i s t b a n d i s i n t a c t p l u s a c c e s s t o f a s t p a s s l i n e
F a s t p a s s - $ 1 5 / a c c e s s t o f a s t p a s s l i n e w i t h o n e t i m e e n t r y t o h a n t e d h o u s e
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This attraction reserves the right to refuse admission to anyone. You will experience intense audio, lighting, extreme low visibility, strobe lights, fog, damp or wet conditions, special effects, sudden actions and overall physically demanding environment.
Do not enter attraction if you are intoxicated or take medications or have physical limitations that impair your ability to safely make it through the attraction. You will not be admitted if any of these conditions are noticed by our staff.
DO NOT ENTER if you suffer from asthma, heart conditions, seizures or any type of mental, physical, respiratory, or medical problems.
DO NOT smoke, run, eat, or drink inside the attraction. additionally there is no touching of the actors other customers or props inside the attraction. No video or Flash photography may be taken inside the attraction failure to follow the rules can cause refusal of admittance or being asked to leave the property of any of the rules are not followed.
Your ticket is a revocable license that may be taken and admission refused without refund of purchase price. Entering this attraction entails known and unanticipated risks they could result in physical or emotional injury. Risks may include among other things : Slipping, falling, collision with fixed objects are participants, bruises, twist, sprains, breaks, seizures and / or death. Understand that such risks cannot be eliminated without jeopardizing the essential qualities of this activity. By purchasing a ticket, it is expressly understood that you have been made aware of the risks and you agreed to assume all risks existing in this activity. Your participation is purely voluntary and you elect to participate in spite of the risks. In consideration and acceptance of entrance into this attraction, holder agrees to release the attraction owners, volunteers, and its employees from any liability resulting in harm, injury, or death, cost or expense whatsoever that may arise directly or indirectly from attending this attraction. Also by purchasing a ticket you acknowledge that if anyone is hurt or property is damaged you may be found by a court of law to have waived your right to maintain a lawsuit against the nightmare grounds haunted attraction its owners volunteers and employees.